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Frolicking in the hay wagon

I have glorious childhood memories of Orchard Mansion. As a nine-year-old kid from the Rockaways, NY, it was imperative that I learn to swim, with the Atlantic ocean at my doorstep. My parents paid the lifeguard/swimming instructor, Hank (yes 50 years later I remember his name) to teach me to swim. And teach me he did, I will always be grateful. 

I remember going on real hayrides in the evenings with the other kids (real hay in the horse drawn wagon). My date was a girl named Frolic and frolic we did. We had movies in the evenings as well. I remember watching 'Oklahoma', 'Requiem for a heavyweight', and 'Gidget goes Hawaiian'.

Breakfasts were my favorite meal, French toast every day! Kids had their own tables and ordered what they wanted. I spent most days by the pool especially after learning how to swim.


One afternoon my parents took me to Gillette's castle, that wild-looking home turned into a museum. My friend Ivan's parents bought me a small wooden cufflink box there in the gift shop for my birthday. I still have it, use it for coins to this day.

There was horseback riding, square dancing, so many things to keep everyone busy. It was a fun place, cherish the memories.

-Barry Weber 

The pool at Orchard Mansion.


Unknown said...

The Hank referred to was Hank (Henry) Berger. Hank went on to attend Columbia University as a Psychology Major. I was a waiter at OM from 1965 - 70. Met my wife to be there. Great years.

June 9, 2020 at 7:15 AM


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