I was quite surprised to turn up your excellent web site! It brought back many memories of growing up there: buying eggs from your family's farm (I assume the coops/art center were located on the farm on the hilly road to Banner Lodge), the lazy summers at Riveredge (we had a reunion at Frank Davis - 200 people came), and the old downtown with the wooden sidewalks. My uncle Art still has old clipping of the great flood in the 20s which took out the power plant on the Salmon River and crested at a good 20' above normal.
My family still remains on Clark Gates Road by the old apple orchards, but I left for better schools in the late 60s. Riveredge is now a private residence, after a brief attempt as a time-share, but I can still see ghostly echos of my childhood every time I drive by the place.
-Diana Donnellan in California (must be an affinity for earthquake country)
Buffet line at Riveredge
Anonymous said...
OMG!! YOU ARE A RELATIVE OF THE GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH...ART AND OLGA'S RIVEREDGE!!!I will never forget ANYTHING about my beloved summer resort, especially their dog Jill who I can still see on Art's motor boat standing tall while all the guest go water skiing! I also remember all the kids lining up to ring the breakfast, lunch and dinner bell! Not to mention the BBQ on the tennis court, weenie roast, corn roast, square dancing, and the buffet in the dining room sunroom. Also the hikes to the dam, and the Indian caves! OH! OH! and the horseback riding! I could go on and on and on and on! No kid was unhappy unless it was time to go home, then NOOOOOOO!
May 20, 2010 at 3:24 PM
Jessica O'Kane said...
I couldn't agree more. We went everysummer for about 10 years. I met one of my best friends, Pam, when I was 11 and ironically she is visiting me in the Middle East as I write this. (I am now 40) We lived in NY and would travel there each summer. The O'Kanes, Fitzgerald's, Quinns, Farrell's, and O'Keefes would come the same week each year, we would change afternoon softball to soccer. we always wanted to work there when we grew up, but never got the chance as it closed. It has been so good finding this site and reading other people's stories.
June 16, 2010 at 11:19 AM
Janet Marie Mandroan Lemond said...
Hello All. I was happy and surprised to find this site about Riveredge in Moodus CT. Presently my husband and I reside in Haddam on the other side of the river. When I was a kid growing up in Stratford CT, my mom, dad and older sister Elaine used to spend a week in the summer there (usually the third week in July). As far as I can remember, we went there for 11 years in a row, so I summered there from 1959 until 1969, the heyday of the place.
I first went to Riveredge when I was three until I was 13 years old. I absolutely loved it! Back in 1989 I actually went back there with my husband to visit Olga and Art Donellan and discovered that that was the final year they were open. When I drive by, I still have the spooky sort of nostalgia that I am somehow looking into a happier and more innocent past.
I remember canoeing on the Salmon River with my dad. We would always like to paddle up stream to see if we could "fight the tide". I also loved the swimming pool and would try to dive for pennies at the deep end which (I boasted when I was 8 years old) was ten feet deep. There were days at Riveredge when I would spend literally 8 hours a day in the pool. I also loved the power boat and was so very excited when kids were allowed to ride on the boat while the adults went water skiing. It was my first true boating experience.
One time when we were on vacation, I developed a head cold. I wanted to go swimming so bad, but my mother refused to let me since she thought I would come down with pneumonia. My dad, feeling sorry for me, said "come on Jan. Let's go for a canoe ride instead." In typical fashion, we both decided to paddle upstream. However, that day the current was atypically strong, so the canoe tipped over and we both tumbled into the water. I was as pleased as punch since I actually did get to swim that day. But, when I came back to our cabin dripping wet and with further sniffles, I thought my mom was going to crucify my father. (Poor dad!) My mom and I still laugh about it today.
Then of course there were the corn roasts, marshmallow cooking, and hot dog/burger events. I loved the corn roast and would always choose the ears that were most burnt!
In 1969, my older sister Elaine actually worked as a waitress at Riveredge. Olga always ran a tight ship with her staff, and my sister was always stirring up a little trouble. One day, when they were having their typical Sunday morning brunch, and the long table was set up in the front porch of the "big house", my older sister was late for her waitressing duties. All of the other girls were lined up nicely behind the table, but my sister's spot was empty. I could hear Elaine running down the hall to try to get behind the table before Olga could find out that she was late. I could also hear Olga coming from a different direction to check on the Sunday brunch setup. Hmmm, I thought, who was going to make it there first - Olga or Elaine - as I sat in one of the white wicker chairs on the porch. My older sister, realizing her predicament and knowing that she could never make it around the edge of the long table to her designated center spot, last minute decided to dive under the table and crawl up on the other side. This was the exact minute that Olga entered the room.
When they finally came face-to-face, Olga said "Elaine, you are 18 years old, and I don't know how you will ever make it through 4 years of college with the type of self discipline that you have!" Without batting an eyelash, my sister said, "The same way I made it through four years of high school!"
Oh well enough said. If I ever was to think of heaven and what it would be like - it would be to relive my experiences I had from 1959 to 1969 that third weekend in July.
January 1, 2011 at 6:41 PM
jeanneb said...
I am back again with another memory! Who out there remembers singing "Life is just a bowl of cherries"!!?? I also remember meeting a long-time friend and penpal year after year named Cathy C. We kept in touch for many, many years and then lost touch (sniff-sniff) after the birth of my second child and her first. But we spent many days around the pool and row boats to the waterfalls. I also remember the rival resorters at the Davis Resort. Sorry Davis fans, Art and Olga's place was the best place in CT. I use the Riveredge rec hall with the river picture as my screen saver at work!!! This way I can remember all they did for everybody every day of my life!
August 10, 2011 at 7:34 AM
George Mayer said...
Riveredge was the greatest... I went there for several years in the late 70's and it was always a blast. I remember Art at the BBQ on Sunday(I think) asking if you wanted a breast or a leg of chicken... next question was Left or Right... what a great guy and what a great place for a relaxing vacation.
July 3, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Lisa said...
My family and I went to River Edge for several years in the early 80's. Our first time there we instantly fell in love and told another family who went with us every year from then on. Always the last week in July. Art and Olga were incredible people. The bbq's, the weenie and corn roasts. Taking the bontoon boat on the river to another location for a breakfast cookout. Water skiing, etc., etc., etc. So many happy memories made there. The family we travelled with lost their son this past week. Martin always mentioned River Edge whenever I saw him and when I posted pictures on FB, you can see his smile through his words. I am hoping to get all us "kids" together with our own kids and drive up to Moodus. Even if we stand on the road and look at what was once River Edge, then go to a few sites we would go to when there...it will be done in his memory. I wish River Edge was still around. :(
August 8, 2016 at 9:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I stumbled across this while thinking of River Edge. My childhood that included names like Art and Olga. I'm 50 years old now but remember 15 years of age as it was the last year it was open one year before I could have been working there. Probably the fondest memory of my childhood including my brother and my father. Would love to provide the same experience for my kids or for that matter my grandkids. Playing volleyball every night after dinner water skiing softball rec Hall listening to Art sing songs around the fire that included corn. I swear I couldn't make it up. I read a previous post that included a description of what art called a skedaddle it taught me how to water ski actually still have a photograph of me on a disc and chair as opposed to a set of skis. Even remember a canoe ride behind the river that was in front of us and named it the Saint Charles River because of another guest by the name of Charles who found it the Saint Charles River. Would love to go back
July 8, 2017 at 5:54 AM
Ken McDonald said...
My Mother in Law is Art's niece and used to spend parts of her summers at Riveredge when she was a teenager. Does anyone have the address of where it was? We took a drive the other day to try and find it with no luck. Of course we were also relying on luck and 60+ year old memories. I would love to actually see it as I have heard so much about what sounds like a wonderful place.Ken McDonald
August 3, 2020 at 3:17 PM
I couldn't agree more. We went every summer for about 10 years. I met one of my best friends, Pam, when I was 11 and ironically she is visiting me in the Middle East as I write this. (I am now 40) We lived in NY and would travel there each summer. The O'Kanes, Fitzgerald's, Quinns, Farrell's, and O'Keefes would come the same week each year, we would change afternoon softball to soccer. we always wanted to work there when we grew up, but never got the chance as it closed. It has been so good finding this site and reading other people's stories.
OMG!! YOU ARE A RELATIVE OF THE GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH...ART AND OLGA'S RIVEREDGE!!!I will never forget ANYTHING about my beloved summer resort, especially their dog Jill who I can still see on Art's motor boat standing tall while all the guest go water skiing! I also remember all the kids lining up to ring the breakfast, lunch and dinner bell! Not to mention the BBQ on the tennis court, weenie roast, corn roast, square dancing, and the buffet in the dining room sunroom. Also the hikes to the dam, and the Indian caves! OH! OH! and the horseback riding! I could go on and on and on and on! No kid was unhappy unless it was time to go…