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Soapy baths in Bashan Lake

My Czech grandparents owned property in the Rocky Hill Road/Lake Bashan area of Moodus from 1930s onward. A relative still owns the property. Sent there as a child from Michigan in the 1940s (w/o parents).

I remember Weinstein's drug store in Moodus Center (where fireworks were purchased) as well as the Grand Union store in the village, a local doctor (could his name have been Dr. Horsefeathers?) who came up one day to examine me thoroughly in what much have been a concern about polio.

Czech relatives owned a boardinghouse (possibly Julia Budka's from your photos) where my older cousin & friends went to help prepare meals, including plucking feathers from the place's freshly killed chickens. Also remember that the evening's activity frequently was a walk to Mr. Bailey's ice cream store at a reservoir. Day events including swimming & soapy baths in Lake Bashan as our farmhouse had an unreliable water supply.

-Rhona Neuwirth


Stan Baron said...

The town physician was Dr. Horsefield. He lived on Falls Road, two houses past the movie theater (later the lumber yard) closer to Colchester and next door to my grandparents Jean and Izzy Polstein.

-Stan Baron

November 18, 2017 at 1:37 PM


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